Mullanium - Steampunk Inspired Sculpture - Multi-Colored Bird on Camera

Regular price $599.00

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Our fascination with birds and antique found objects is what inspired us for this collection. In 1991 original decoys were passed on to us and they decorated Jim's studio for years. In 2006 Jim decided to go through his boxes of old and damaged birds and have some fun. He combined his love of mixed media with his vast collection of found objects and a new 3-D art form was born. Before we knew it, our feathered friends had become amazingly popular and are a favorite of many collectors. Each bird is hand made in our Florida studio using old carvings as our models. The unusual relics we use such as croquet balls, binoculars and old toys give each inspiring bird their own personality. These sculptures give life to the once forgotten pieces of yesterday. SINCE MANY OF THE PROPS ( binoculars, balls and wheels ) ARE FOUND OBJECTS, PLEASE NOTE THAT THEY MAY VARY IN COLOR AND STYLE FROM THE PICTURE SHOWN.