GC - Sapphire Labs - Feeder Fresh - Bird Feeder Cleaner - 16 oz

Regular price $19.00

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Sapphire Labs Feeder Fresh prevents sprouting and stops seed caking in your bird feeders. All natural and bird safe, Feeder Fresh is made from sand that is modified to be very absorbent. The composition of Feeder Fresh is non-toxic, and contains essential elements naturally consumed by wild birds.
Easy for you, healthy and good for your birds. Feeder Fresh is safe for wild birds and will help keep the seed fresh and irresistible to your wildbird visitors. Simply pour it into the feeder before the seed or feed mix.
We can’t overemphasize how important it is to keep your wild bird food fresh and your feeders clean, dry and uncontaminated. Now there is a healthy solution by using Feeder Fresh.
Please, we urge you to check your feeders. If you see sprouting, growth, or the seed is clumping, dispose of the seed and clean the feeder thoroughly.